如何使用 Trademarkgov 注册Trademark申请?

如何使用 Trademarkgov 注册Trademark申请?

Step 1: Create a Trademark Application

  • Visit the Trademarkgov website (trademark.gov).
  • Click on "Start a Trademark Application."
  • Select the type of trademark you are applying for (e.g., trademark, service mark, design mark).
  • Provide your contact information, including your name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • Choose the class of goods or services that your mark will be used for.
  • Select the filing date (current date).
  • Pay the application fee (currently $75).

Step 2: Complete the Application Form

  • Provide a detailed description of your mark, including its name, symbol, or design.
  • Describe the intended use of your mark, including how you plan to market and advertise it.
  • Include any relevant logos, slogans, or other materials that support your trademark application.
  • Provide the names and addresses of your proposed trademark owners.

Step 3: Submit Supporting Documents

  • You can submit supporting documents, such as logos, brochures, or other marketing materials, with your application.
  • Ensure that your supporting documents are high-quality and relevant to your mark.

Step 4: Review and Submit Your Application

  • Review your application carefully before submitting it.
  • Submit your application electronically through the Trademarkgov website.

Step 5: Process and Receive a Decision

  • Trademark applications typically take 12 to 18 months to process.
  • Trademarkgov will notify you of the status of your application and provide a decision on whether your application is accepted or rejected.


  • Choose a strong and distinctive trademark that is relevant to your business.
  • Use clear and concise language in your application.
  • Be specific about the intended use of your mark.
  • Submit supporting documents that support your trademark application.
  • Keep your trademark application up-to-date as needed.