What are the different types of goods and services that can be registered under the 35 Class trademark?

What are the different types of goods and services that can be registered under the 35 Class trademark?

The 35 Class trademark allows the registration of goods and services that are primarily used in the production of a tangible product. These products are typically used in the manufacturing process, and the trademark is used to protect the brand name and reputation of the manufacturer.

Here are some examples of goods and services that can be registered under the 35 Class trademark:

  • Raw materials, such as steel, aluminum, and plastic
  • Machinery and equipment used in manufacturing
  • Chemicals and pharmaceuticals
  • Packaging materials
  • Apparel and textiles
  • Food and beverages
  • Construction materials
  • Furniture

The 35 Class trademark is a relatively broad trademark, and it can be used to protect a wide range of goods and services. However, there are some limitations on the use of the 35 Class trademark. For example, the trademark cannot be used to protect generic products or services that are not used in the production of a tangible product.

Overall, the 35 Class trademark is a valuable tool for businesses that are involved in the manufacturing and distribution of tangible products. By registering a 35 Class trademark, businesses can protect their brand name and reputation, and they can also prevent competitors from using similar trademarks.
