What are the different fees associated with trademark registration?
Trademark registration fees can be categorized into:
1. Filing fees:
- Standard application fee: Payable upon filing the trademark application with the USPTO.
- Priority processing fee: Payable if the trademark application is filed within 12 months of the priority date.
- Acceleration fee: Payable if the trademark application is filed in a foreign country.
2. Examination fees:
- Examining attorney fee: Payable to a trademark attorney for examining the trademark application and determining its registrability.
- Examining agent fee: Payable to a trademark examining agent for conducting a trademark search and preparing a report.
3. Maintenance fees:
- Annual registration fee: Payable every year to maintain the trademark registration.
- Renewal fee: Payable every 10 years to keep the trademark registration active.
4. Other fees:
- Printing and publication fees: Payable for the official publication of the trademark registration in the USPTO's Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS).
- Translation fees: Payable if the trademark application is filed in a language other than English.
- Maintaining attorney fees: Payable if the trademark attorney is involved in defending the trademark in court.
Note: The specific fees for trademark registration can vary depending on the size and complexity of the application, the filing country, and the trademark attorney or examining agent used.