如何才能找到并下载 Amazon Web Services AWS CloudFormation?

如何才能找到并下载 Amazon Web Services AWS CloudFormation?

Method 1: Using the AWS Management Console

  1. Navigate to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Select "CloudFormation."
  3. Click on "Create stack."
  4. Select "From template."
  5. Choose "Amazon S3" as the template source.
  6. Select the S3 bucket containing the CloudFormation template.
  7. Click "Create stack."

Method 2: Using the AWS CLI

  1. Install the AWS CLI using the following command:
sudo apt install aws-cli
  1. Set the AWS access key ID and secret access key as environment variables:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your_access_key_id"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your_secret_access_key"
  1. Create a CloudFormation template in an S3 bucket:
aws cloudformation create-template \
  --template-file-uri s3://your_bucket/template.yaml \
  --output-template-file template.yaml
  1. Download the template file:
aws cloudformation get-template \
  --template-file-uri template.yaml

Method 3: Using the AWS SDKs

  1. Install the AWS SDKs for your programming language of choice.
  2. Import the necessary AWS SDK classes.
  3. Load the CloudFormation template from an S3 bucket:
import boto3

s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
template_data = s3_client.get_object(Bucket='your_bucket', Key='template.yaml')['Body'].read()
  1. Create a CloudFormation client and use the read_template() method to load the template.


  • Replace your_bucket with the actual name of your S3 bucket.
  • Replace template.yaml with the actual name of your CloudFormation template file.
  • Ensure that the template is valid YAML.